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Joseph Smith 1st Vision Q-tip 🎨 Painting For Beginners

Linda Winegar teaches how to do a Q-tip 🎨 painting of Joseph Smith's 1st Vision. Great for all ages! Duration 2hrs. (more info below this video)

TLDR: Download the Printable Instructions HERE


Honestly, I am not qualified to paint or teach this class, but maybe that is exactly why so many people love it, because if I can do it, so can you! 

Also, thanks to all for sharing amazing pics. To know how many struggles we had and then see all of you participating, just makes our spirits so happy and consecrates all of our struggles. We originally had planned this activity in Feb and in person, but it kept being pushed back and back and back, I was so frustrated but just kept going with it and now I know why! It wasn't meant just for our YW alone. The Lord knows what He is doing! Keep sharing your art and sharing this link!

What is Qtip Painting?

The "Q-tipping" technique is a form of pointillism, thank you sweet friend Cory (artist friend!) for "pointing" that out. ;) Pointillism art is a technique of painting in which small, distinct dots of color are applied in patterns to form an image. Q-tip paintings are perfect for artists of all levels! Art is also a form of therapy, so even if it's not a perfect duplicate, it's still therapeutic and will serve you in a positive way in the end no matter what the outcome. We still think you'll love your own work of art!

qtip painting

Qtip Art Inspired by: "Early Spring 1820" by Jeffery Pugh

Because of how simple his painting is, i.e. no trees, I felt it was something we could easily teach the youth (and now others) to do to help all of us commemorate the restoration this year too. Even with my limited skills. It's been a a labor of love in the vineyard & a lot more work than we thought, but totally worth it!

Original Art can be purchased from AltusFineArt,  DeseretBook.com or BYUBookStore.

🖼 See Original Art on Bro. Jeffery Pugh's blog here.

🎥 Video Link


Recorded on: Friday, March 20, 2020 - Originally created only for the the young women 14-15yrs old of the Lindon 18th Ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Later-Day Saints for an Online Art Class (because of the Corona Virus Pandemic keeping us all quarantined) but now available to all because everyone is loving how great it turns out.

Video Production & Editing by Clark Winegar 

qtip painting used qtips

Supply List: 

  • 8x10 Canvas
  • Acrylic Paints (White, Ivory, light yellow, yellow, orange, red, green & dark green, khaki, brown & black)
  • 125+ Q-Tips
  • 1 Paint Brush
  • Paint Tray
  • Easel (Optional) & Tape
  • Cup of Water to clean brush
  • Table Cover
  • Paper Towels
  • Blow Dryer (Optional)
  • Water to drink
  • Chocolate! (not optional!)
  • Print of "Early Spring 1820" by Jeffery Pugh (see link above)


Here are some links to help make your painting experience more meaningful. 
Read or Listen to Joseph Smith History
Read or Listen to The Book of Mormon
How have the events that followed the first vision made a difference for me and my loved ones?

Thank you Bro. Jeffery Pugh for an inspiring piece!

jeffery pugh art firstvision winegarco

You can share this video with others for non-commercial use only.

qtip painting setup winegarco

Individual Artist

  • Set everything out so it's handy!
  • Paint the entire Canvas with a base coat of white paint.
  • Using Qtips, start at the left and right sides and work your way in. Start with Orange, then add yellow and lighter yellow and then ivory and finally white for Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ's silhouettes.
  • Then I do the black layer with a paint brush.
  • Qtip the grass using dark green & green, looks a little like "camo grass."
  • Qtip Joseph Smith's hand & ears using a salmon or flesh color (combine light yellow, ivory & a tiny bit of orange), then use bright white for his shirt. Khaki & dark brown for pants & hair.
  • Finally blend the black up with a bit of red, orange and yellow so there are no sharp lines.
  • You're done! Enjoy!

qtip painting class supplies

Hosting a Class? Online or In-Person?

  • Send an invite & get RSVPs to get a count.
  • Will you provide a kit of supplies? or Have them use their own supplies at home? (see supply list on pg 2 of PDF)
  • Assemble kits & include as many supplies as possible & copy of these instructions. You'll need a ton of little cups
  • We found most supplies at Walmart & the Dollar Store, check locally if Amazon is out.
  • Deliver Kits & be sure to text/email the LINK with the video tutorial & your personal group chat link for virtual activities. If in-person just have supplies setup and ready so they can start right away!

Sample Kits

Because of social distancing right now, we dropped off these full kits to the young women in my class.

sample qtipping art kits winegarco

Joseph Smith's first vision Qtip Art - Paint Colors

Joseph Smith's first vision Qtip Art - Paint Colors on Tray

Video Setup

The online class will work with any computer or phone with an internet connection because it's on YouTube. You will be able to see me (Sis Linda Winegar) teaching. Art is known to lower stress, anxiety and boost confidence after completion, not to mention fun when done with friends, or even virtually through FaceTime, Zoom, Google Meet, WhatsApp, etc... (see finished painting samples at the end of the video.)

You may need help setting up at first just to be in a good place not in the way of anything/anyone else and be able to see the screen and sample art, and then should be good after that. 

Sample Art using this video!

"Looks exactly like the original, mom!" - our 11yr old
This is my 2nd ever q-tip or anything painting, I was cheezy and I expressed a lot of art fear during this process, which is totally normal for a beginner like me. I appreciate friends and fam who shared encouragement and desired to do this class too. LOL

Look at the fun art people have made using this video!
amazing qtip art samples firstvision winegarco
Originally only meant for the Young Women in my 14-15yr old class, but because of the love and encouragement of (Madisen you are a great friend!) and others, it is now made available to ALL, thanks to Clark of course! While I know it doesn't look like the original, I sure love how excited our boys got. Be brave and share your art with others! Both our boys decided to create one too. Because, if I can do it, so can you!

Happy Q-Tipping!

Clark & Linda

P.S. We'd love to see what you create, give you a shout out and some encouragement too! Tag us @winegarco on social so others can try this painting too! #JosephSmithArt

Download PDF Instructions or an Activity Invite


1 comment

  • Great GREAT class, to say the least! Thank you for your thoughtfulness and your thoroughness with what you have prepared for us. I used this for myself and about 15 other people today for a virtual activity and it came together seamlessly because of the preparation and work you guys put into this! Great set up; thanks again!!


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